Weekly Sermons Skip to Videos All | Adult Sunday School | Sunday AM Sermons | Sunday PM Sermons | Wednesday Bible Study | Wednesday Bible Study, 1 1 25 Wed. Bible Study- How to be Happy in Suffering - 1 Peter 4:14-19 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 11 24 Wed. Bible Study- Ministering One to Another - 1 Peter 4:10-11 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 4 24 Wed. Bible Study- The End of all Things is at Hand - 1 Peter 4:7-11 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 27 24 Thanksgiving Sermon- Praise God for His Victory- 2 Chronicles 20 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 20 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Reasons the World Speaks Evil of Us - 1 Peter 4:1-6 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 13 24 Wed. Bible Study- Suffering Like Jesus, Sharing in His Glory- 1 Peter 3:17-22 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 6 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Blessings of Living a Godly Life- 1 Peter 3:13-16 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 30 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Blessings of Living a Godly Life- 1 Peter 3:10-12; Psalm 34 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 23 24 Wed. Bible Study- Helping One Another- 1 Peter 3:8-9 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 16 24 Wed. Bible Study- Roles of Women & Men- 1 Peter 3:5-7 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 2 24 Wed. Bible Study- Focus on the Hidden Man- 1 Peter 3:3-4 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 25 24 Wed. Night Bible Study- Bible Study on Psalm 23 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 18 24 Wed. Bible Study- Women of the Bible- 1 Peter 3:1-2 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 11 24 Wed. Bible Study- Encouragement from Jesus when People Treat Us Wrong- 1 Peter 2:18-25 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 4 24 Wed. Bible Study- James 1:1-14, Bruce Edwards Wednesday Bible Study, 8 28 24 Wed. Bible Study- Submission to the Government- 1 Peter 2:13-17 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 21 24 Wed. Bible Study- Dearly Beloved, Be Different- 1 Peter 2:11-12 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 14 24 Lesson Learned from a Precious Prayer Passage- Philippians 4:4-9, Bruce Edwards Wednesday Bible Study, 8 7 24 Lesson Learned about Prayer- Psalm 28, Bruce Edwards Wednesday Bible Study, 7 31 24 Wed. Bible Study-The Special Reality of Christians - 1 Peter 2:9-10 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 24 24 Wed. Bible Study- Living Stone or Stone of Offence- 1 Peter 2:4-8 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 10 24 Wed. Bible Study- Acting Like A Born Again Child- 1 Peter 2:1-3 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 3 24 Wed. Bible Study- Transformed by the Word to Love- 1 Peter 1:22-25 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 26 24 Wed. Bible Study- Having Faith & Hope in God during Tough Times- 1 Peter 1:17-21 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 19 24 Wed. Bible Study- God's Children Behaving Well- 1 Peter 1:13-16 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 12 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Prophets & Angels Envy- 1 Peter 1:10-12 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 5 24 Wed. Bible Study- Rejoicing even in Trials- 1 Peter 1:6-9 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 29 24 Wed. Bible Study- God's Reservations- 1 Peter 1:3-5 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 22 24 Wed. Bible Study- Who we are in Christ- 1 Peter 1:1-2 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 8 24 Bible Study- James 1:2-4- Paul Hatcher Wednesday Bible Study, 5 1 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Salvation by Grace or by Works? Acts 15 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 24 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Freed From Prison- Acts 12 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 17 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Meeting with Cornelius- Acts 10-11 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 10 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Results from A Couple of Miracles- Acts 9:32-43 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 3 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: When Simon Met Peter- Acts 8:1-25 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 27 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Persecution- Acts 5:12-42 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 20 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Ananias & Sapphira- Acts 5 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 13 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Peter's First Trial- Acts 4 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 6 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Peter's Second Sermon- Acts 3:11-26 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 28 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Healing of the Lame Man- Acts 3:1-10 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 21 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Day of Pentecost- Acts 2 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 14 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Christ's Ascension & Judas' Replacement- Acts 1 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 7 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Peter's Questionnaire- John 21:15-22 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 31 24- Peter goes afishing - John 21- Wed. Bible Study Wednesday Bible Study, 1 24 24- The Appearing of the Resurrected Christ - Mark 16; John 20; Luke 24- Wed. Bible Study Wednesday Bible Study, 1 17 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Peter's Denials- Matthew 22:57-59; 69-75 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 10 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Peter's Sleeping in the Garden- Mark 14 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 3 24 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Peter's Future- Luke 22 & Mark 14 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 27 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Washing the Disciples' Feet- John 13 & Luke 22 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 20 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: The Last Supper- Luke 22:1-24 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 13 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: The Cursed Fig Tree- Mark 11 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 6 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Rich Young Ruler- Mark 10:13-31 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 29 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Taxes to Triumph- Matthew 17:24-27 Wednesday Bible Study, 11.22.23 Thanksgiving Devotional- Thanksgiving Throughout Time- Isaiah 12 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 15 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Mount of Transfiguration- Luke 9:23-36 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 8 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Rebuked- Matthew 16:21-23 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 1 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: A Rock Solid Confession- Matthew 16:13-20 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 25 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Walking on Water- Matthew 14; Mark 6; John 6 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 18 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: 2 Miracles for 2 Ladies- Matthew 9; Mark 5; Luke 8 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 11 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Calling of the Twelve- Matthew 10; Mark 3 Luke 6 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 4 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Healing of Peter's Mother-in-law- Mark 1:29-39 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 27 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter: Peter's Calling- Luke 5:1-11 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 20 23 Wed. Bible Study- The Life of Peter- John 1 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 13 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah- Similarities & Contrast in Bible Study- Nehemiah 13 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 6 23 Wednesday Bible Study- Bitterness in the Bible- Ephesians 4:31-32 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 30 23 Wednesday Bible Study- Praying for the Holy Ghost?- Luke 11:13 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 23 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah- Nehemiah 10:28-31 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 16 23 Wednesday Bible Study-1 Peter 4:12-19 Pastor Chris Luppino Wednesday Bible Study, 8 9 23 Wednesday Bible Study-1 Peter 4:12, Pastor Chris Luppino Wednesday Bible Study, Wednesday Bible Study, 8.2.23 Wednesday Evening Bible Study- James 1:2-4, Pastor Chris Luppino Wednesday Bible Study, 7 26 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah- Secret Elements to Authentic Worship- Nehemiah 9 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 18 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah- Happy New Year- Nehemiah 8 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 5 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah- Common Fears and How to Deal with Them- Nehemiah 6 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 21 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah- Attacks of the Enemies- Nehemiah 3-4 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 14 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah-Nehemiah's Encouragement- Nehemiah 2 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 7 23 Wed Bible Study- Book of Nehemiah-Nehemiah's Prayer- Nehemiah 1 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 24 23 Wednesday Bible Study- The Lord's Prayer- Paul Hatcher Wednesday Bible Study, 5 17 23 Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of Confession part 1- Daniel 9:9-19 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 17 23 Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of Confession part 2- Daniel 9:9-19 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 10 23 Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of Confession part 1- Daniel 9:1-8 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 3 23 Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of Complaint- Habakkuk 1-3 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 26 23 Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer against fear- Isaiah 37 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 19 23 Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of Thanksgiving- 2 Kings 14:23-27; Jonah 1-2 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 12 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of Dedication- 2 Chronicles 6-7 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 5 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of Perseverance- Psalm 17 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 29 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: The Why of Prayer - Psalm 86 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 22 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of the Troubled- Psalm 142 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 15 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of a Dying Generation- Psalm 90 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 8 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Prayer of the Afflicted- Psalm 102 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 1 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Gideon's Call- Judges 6 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 8 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Closer Walk with Thee, Exodus 33 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 1 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Moses' Intercessory Prayer, Exodus 32 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 25 23 Wednesday Night Bible Study- How to be Comforted during Hard Times- Isaiah 40 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 18 23 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Praying Praises, Exodus 15 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 11 22 Wed. Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: When Terror Turns to Trust, Exodus 14:10-31 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 4 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: When God Directs..., Exodus 13:17-14:9 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 28 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Moses' Last Excuse, Exodus 6:6-12; 30 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 21 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Moses' first failure p3, Exodus 4:37-6:7 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 14 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Moses' Calling p3, Exodus 3:4:1-17 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 7 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Moses' Calling p2, Exodus 3:12-22 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 30 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Moses' Calling, Exodus 3:1-11 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 23 22 Thanksgiving Service- Count Our Blessings- Psalm 103 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 16 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Abraham's Doubts, Genesis 15 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 9 22 Wednesday Bible Study-Enhancing our Prayer Lives: Abraham's Intersession, Genesis 18:17-33 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 2 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Talents- Matthew 25:14-30 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 26 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Ten Virgins- Matthew 25:1-13 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 19 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Wedding Guests- Matthew 22:1-14 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 12 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Evil Tenants- Matthew 21:33-46 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 5 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Two Sons, Two Choices- Matthew 21:28-35 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 21 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Generous Landowner- Matthew 20:1-16 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 14 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: 10 Pounds- Luke 19:11-27 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 7 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Pharisee & Publican- Luke 18:9-14 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 31 22 Wednesday Bible Study-The Parables of Jesus: Widow & Judge- Luke 18:1-8 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 17 22 Wednesday Night Bible Study- 1 Corinthians 13-Paul Hatcher Wednesday Bible Study, 7 27 22 Wednesday Night Bible Study- John 13-Paul Hatcher Wednesday Bible Study, 5.25.22 Midweek Bible Study- Parables of Jesus: Mustard Seed & Leaven- Matthew 13:31-33 Wednesday Bible Study, 5.18.22 Midweek Bible Study- Parables of Jesus: Wheat & Tares- Matthew 13:24-30 Wednesday Bible Study, 5.11.22 Midweek Bible Study- Parables of Jesus: The Key to Understanding the Parables- Mark 4:1-20 Wednesday Bible Study, 4.27.22 Midweek Bible Study- Sermon on the Mount: Closing Challenge for Action- Matt. 7:24-27 Wednesday Bible Study, 4.20.22 Midweek Bible Study- Sermon on the Mount: Beware of False Prophets - Matt. 7:13-23 Wednesday Bible Study, 4.6.22 Midweek Bible Study- Sermon on the Mount: The Gospel - Matt. 7:12-14 Wednesday Bible Study, 4.6.22 Midweek Bible Study- Sermon on the Mount: Ask, Seek, Knock - Matt. 7:7-12 Wednesday Bible Study, 3.30.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Judge Not- Matt. 7:1-6 Wednesday Bible Study, 3.23.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Seeking His Kingdom & His Righteousness- Matt. 6:33 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 16 22 Wednesday Evening Service- God is Terrible-Psalm 66, Evangelist Randy Merrill Wednesday Bible Study, 3.9.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: No Worries!- Matt. 6:25-34 Wednesday Bible Study, 2.23.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Time for a Check Up- Matt. 6:19-24 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 23 22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Prayer, Doxology- Matt. 6:9-13 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 9 22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Prayer, Last Three Requests- Matt. 6:9-15 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 2 22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Prayer, First Three Requests are Essential- Matt. 6:9-10 Wednesday Bible Study, 1.26.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Lord's Model Prayer, the Address-Matthew 6:9-13 Wednesday Bible Study, 1.19.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Hypocrisy- Matthew 6:1-8;16-17 Wednesday Bible Study, 1.12.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Motivations in Giving- Matthew 6:1-4 Wednesday Bible Study, 1.5.22 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Loving Your Enemies - Matthew 5:43-48 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 29 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Retribution or Retaliation? - Matthew 5:38-42 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 22 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Swear Not - Matthew 5:33-37 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 15 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Importance of Purity - Matthew 5:27-32 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 8 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Conquer Your Emotions - Matthew 5:21-26 Wednesday Bible Study, 12 1 21 Midweek Sermon- Praying for Missionaries: TCKs- 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, Pastor Chris Luppino Wednesday Bible Study, 11 17 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: What's Good?- Matthew 5:17-20 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 10 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Light of the World- Matthew 5:14-16 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 3 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Salt of the Earth- Matthew 5:13 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 27 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: How to be Ultimately, Truly, Eternally Happy, finale Wednesday Bible Study, 10 13 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: How to be Ultimately, Truly, Eternally Happy, part 6 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 6 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: How to be Ultimately, Truly, Eternally Happy, part 5 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 29 21 Midweek sermon- Sermon on the Mount: How to be Ultimately, Truly, Eternally Happy p 4 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 15 21 Midweek Sermon- How to Ultimately, Truly, Eternally Happy part 3- Matthew 5:5; Psalm 37 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 8 21 Midweek Sermon- How to Be Ultimately, Truly, Eternally Happy part 2- Matthew 5:4 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 1 21 Midweek Message- How to be Ultimately, Truly, Eternally Happy part 1- Matthew 5:3 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 25 21 Midweek Message- Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount- Matthew 4:23-5:2 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 11 21 Midweek Service- Revival part 1- Psalm 85:6- Pastor Chris Luppino Wednesday Bible Study, 8 4 21 Midweek Service Message- The Names of God: the Holy Spirit- Ephesians 1:13-14 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 28 21 Midweek Message- The Names of God: Jesus- John 1:1-18 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 14 21 Midweek Message- The Names of God: God the Father- Ephesians 1:3-6 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 7 21 Midweek Message- The Names of God: The LORD is There- Ezekiel 48:30-35 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 30 21 Midweek Message- The Names of God: The LORD our Righteousness-Jeremiah 23:1-8 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 16 21 Midweek Sermon- The Names of God: The LORD of Peace- Judges 6:24 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 9 21 Midweek Sermon- The Names of God: The LORD that Sanctifies- Leviticus 20:8 Wednesday Bible Study, 6 2 21 Midweek sermon- The Names of God: The LORD is my Banner- Exodus 17:8-16 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 26 21 Midweek Sermon- The Names of God: The LORD who heals- Exodus 15:22-27 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 19 21 Midweek Sermon- The Names of God: The LORD our Provider- Genesis 22:14 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 12 21 Midweek sermon- The Names of God: God of All Time- Genesis 21:33 Wednesday Bible Study, 5 5 21 Midweek sermon- The Names of God: Almighty God- Genesis 17 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 28 21 Midweek Sermon- The Names of God: The Most High- Genesis 14 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 14 21- Midweek Sermon- The Names of God: The Lord- Genesis 18 Wednesday Bible Study, 4 7 21 Midweek sermon- The Names of God: The Unspoken Name- Exodus 3:13-16 Wednesday Bible Study, 3.31.21- Midweek Sermon- The Names of God: God (Genesis 1) Wednesday Bible Study, 3 24 21 Midweek Sermon- Solomon's concluding Realization- Ecclesiastes 1:1-2; 12:13-14 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 17 21 Midweek Service- We Three Kings: Wise King becomes Foolish- Proverbs 4:23; 1 Kings 11 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 10 21 Midweek Sermon- Fulfilling Your Purpose- Ephesians 1:3-6; 1 Kings 10 Wednesday Bible Study, 3 3 21 Midweek Service- How to be Rich Towards God- Luke 12:16-21; 1 Kings 5-9 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 24 21 Midweek Sermon- Wisdom before Crisis- James 1:5; 1 Kings 3 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 17 21 Midweek sermon- Divine Appointments- Romans 8:28-30; 2 Samuel 12; 1 Kings 1 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 10 21 Midweek Sermon- Learning from David's Last Days Psalm 18; 2 Samuel 21:15-22; 1 Kings 2:1-10 Wednesday Bible Study, 2 3 21 Midweek sermon- Why was David a man after God's own heart? Psalm 95; 2 Samuel 21; 2 Samuel 24 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 27 21 Midweek Sermon- Preparing to Seek the Lord- 2 Chronicles 12:14 Wednesday Bible Study, 1 20 21 Midweek Sermon- We Three Kings: David's Giving as He was Given Wednesday Bible Study, 1.13.21 Midweek Sermon- We Three Kings: Consequences- 2 Samuel 18-19:8 Wednesday Bible Study, 1.6.21 Midweek Sermon- WeThree Kings: David's Decisions- Psalm 3; 2 Samuel 15 Wednesday Bible Study, 12.30.2020 Midweek Sermon- We Three Kings: Sowing & Reaping- Galatians 6:7-10; 2 Samuel 12-13 Wednesday Bible Study, 12.2.20 Midweek Sermon- David's Failure- 2 Samuel 11 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 25 20 Midweek Sermon- Thanksgiving in Jonah- Jonah 2:1-9 Wednesday Bible Study, 11 18 2020 Midweek Sermon- A Picture of Grace- 2 Samuel 9 Wednesday Bible Study, 10 28 20 Midweek Sermon- We Three Kings: Positives and Negatives of a Life Wednesday Bible Study, 10 21 20 Midweek Sermon- We Three Kings: God is Faithful to His word, 2 Samuel 5:1-5 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 23 20 Midweek Service Wednesday Bible Study, Midweek Sermon- We Three Kings: Oh the Choices that We Make- Psalm 108 & 1 Samuel 26 Wednesday Bible Study, 9 16 20 Midweek Service Wednesday Bible Study, 9 9 20 Midweek Service- Sermon Title: We Three Kings: Fighting against the Fool Wednesday Bible Study, 9 2 20 Midweek Service- How to Pass the Test- 1 Samuel 24 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 26 20 Midweek Service- We Three Kings: Encouragements from the Walk of David- 1 Samuel 23 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 19 20 Midweek Service- From Darkness to Light, part 3- Ruth 3-4 Wednesday Bible Study, 8.12.20 Midweek Service- Book of Ruth: Darkness into Light- Ruth 1:1-18 Wednesday Bible Study, 8 5 20 Midweek Service- WeThree Kings: Missteps- 1 Samuel 21; Psalm 34 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 29 20 Midweek Service- We Three Kings: David and Jonathan- 1 Samuel 20 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 22 20 Midweek Service- David's Praise for Deliverance- 1 Samuel 19; Psalm 59 Wednesday Bible Study, 7.15.20 Midweek Service- Security vs. Insecurity- 1 Samuel 18 Wednesday Bible Study, 7 8 20 Midweek Service- The Key to David's Success against Goliath- 1 Samuel 17 Wednesday Bible Study, 7.1.20 Midweek Service- Beginning of David's Story- 1 Samuel 16 Next