Pastor Joe Boots
Pastor Joe Boots was born on January 22, 1986 and was born again on December 14, 1998. He surrendered to the preaching ministry when he was 16 years old and began preaching in his youth group during high school years. After much prayer and growing in the Lord went to Pensacola Christian College for a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and later earned a Masters in Divinity from Pensacola Theological Seminary.
He was called by the Chapel Baptist Church to become the assistant pastor in 2011, became associate pastor in 2019, and senior pastor in March 2020. During his time as assistant and associate pastor, he worked at the South Lake Hospital in the food services as group lead, supervisor, and eventually patient services manager.
He met his wife, Laura, at college and were married in 2009. They have five children: Judah, Timotheus, Ezekiel, Havilah, and Lazarus.