Sunday AM Sermons, • 6/30/24 6 30 24 Sunday AM sermon- Taming the Tongue: Taking the Name of the Lord, Exodus 20:7 Previous 6 30 24 Sunday PM sermon- Why God, why? part 4- Habakkuk 2:1-20 Next 6 30 24 Sunday School- Book of Romans: Introduction part 2, Bruce Edwards You Might Also Like 10 17 21 Sunday School- The Great Themes of the Bible: The Filling of the Holy Spirit- Bruce Edwards 9 3 23 Sunday School- Gospel of John: John 9 part 3- John 9:28- 41, Bruce Edwards 7 10 22 Sunday AM sermon- The Book of Revelation: Having a Name but Dead (Church of Sardis) Rev. 2 5 9 21 Sunday Morning Sermon- Lessons from Biblical Mothers: Jochebed- Exodus 2:1-10 9 26 21 Sunday School- Great Themes of the Bible: Jesus' Return part 3- Matthew 24, Bruce Edwards
Sunday AM Sermons, • 6/30/24 6 30 24 Sunday AM sermon- Taming the Tongue: Taking the Name of the Lord, Exodus 20:7 Previous 6 30 24 Sunday PM sermon- Why God, why? part 4- Habakkuk 2:1-20 Next 6 30 24 Sunday School- Book of Romans: Introduction part 2, Bruce Edwards You Might Also Like 10 17 21 Sunday School- The Great Themes of the Bible: The Filling of the Holy Spirit- Bruce Edwards 9 3 23 Sunday School- Gospel of John: John 9 part 3- John 9:28- 41, Bruce Edwards 7 10 22 Sunday AM sermon- The Book of Revelation: Having a Name but Dead (Church of Sardis) Rev. 2 5 9 21 Sunday Morning Sermon- Lessons from Biblical Mothers: Jochebed- Exodus 2:1-10 9 26 21 Sunday School- Great Themes of the Bible: Jesus' Return part 3- Matthew 24, Bruce Edwards