Sunday PM Sermons, • 8/25/24 8 25 24 Sunday PM sermon- Galatians study- 4 Barriers Jesus Broke for Us- Gal. 2:4-21 Previous 8 28 24 Wed. Bible Study- Submission to the Government- 1 Peter 2:13-17 Next 8 25 24 Sunday AM sermon- Taming the Tongue: Cursing or Blessing, James 3:12-29 You Might Also Like 7 23 23 Sunday School- Gospel of John: John 8 part 1, Bruce Edwards 12 15 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Importance of Purity - Matthew 5:27-32 2 3 21 Midweek sermon- Why was David a man after God's own heart? Psalm 95; 2 Samuel 21; 2 Samuel 24 7 28 24 Sunday AM sermon- Communion- 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 4 2 23 Sunday AM sermon- Book of Acts: In the Name of Jesus-Acts 3:1-10
Sunday PM Sermons, • 8/25/24 8 25 24 Sunday PM sermon- Galatians study- 4 Barriers Jesus Broke for Us- Gal. 2:4-21 Previous 8 28 24 Wed. Bible Study- Submission to the Government- 1 Peter 2:13-17 Next 8 25 24 Sunday AM sermon- Taming the Tongue: Cursing or Blessing, James 3:12-29 You Might Also Like 7 23 23 Sunday School- Gospel of John: John 8 part 1, Bruce Edwards 12 15 21 Midweek Sermon- Sermon on the Mount: Importance of Purity - Matthew 5:27-32 2 3 21 Midweek sermon- Why was David a man after God's own heart? Psalm 95; 2 Samuel 21; 2 Samuel 24 7 28 24 Sunday AM sermon- Communion- 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 4 2 23 Sunday AM sermon- Book of Acts: In the Name of Jesus-Acts 3:1-10